Play Commando online Commando PlusStore link
For 1 player:  Press the RESET lever to begin play.
For 2 players: Press the GAME SELECT lever, then the RESET lever to begin play.
               (Only the first player will send scores to the PlusROM HSC)

You have two weapons: A rapid-fire machine gun and grenades.

You'll have unlimited firing capacity with this baby.  And you can shoot in
eight different directions.

Aim the joystick in the direction you want to shoot and press the joystick button.

You start out with three.  But you can easily pick up more.  Every time you PASS OVER
the two grenade boxes, you'll acquire four more grenades. So don't pass those things up
without passing over them.

To toss a grenade, HOLD DOWN the joystick button.  The grenade will always move
directly up-screen from wherever you toss it.
Rank Score User Date
1 999800 Kevinmos3 2022-06-04 00:34:54
2 34400 KohlerF 2024-07-21 17:48:32
3 19400 Al_Nafuur 2022-05-29 22:24:43
4 17000 KohlerF 2024-07-21 17:39:42
5 16900 Bomberman94 2022-06-06 14:06:04
6 14600 Sotein74 2023-08-14 22:55:26
7 12800 KohlerF 2024-07-21 17:30:29
8 11300 KohlerF 2024-07-21 17:24:48
9 9400 Sotein74 2023-08-15 23:12:43
10 8600 JetSetIlly 2022-05-29 20:58:46
11 8200 JetSetIlly 2022-05-29 20:56:16
12 7900 gopher2600 Gopher2600 user 292 2022-05-30 15:00:01
13 7600 KohlerF 2024-07-21 17:27:00
14 7600 Al_Nafuur 2022-05-29 18:27:02
15 7200 Sotein74 2023-08-15 23:09:51
16 7000 Sotein74 2023-08-15 23:11:09
17 6800 Al_Nafuur 2022-05-29 23:19:53
18 6000 Hjou 2024-02-25 02:58:32
19 5400 JomarioBR 2022-11-19 01:37:03
20 5400 Al_Nafuur 2022-05-29 18:29:11
21 3400 Hjou 2023-03-18 01:41:30
22 3400 Al Nafuur Stella user 220 2022-05-29 01:15:12
23 2600 Al Nafuur Stella user 220 2022-05-29 18:32:18
24 2200 Mona 2023-04-21 15:34:25
25 1900 gopher2600 Gopher2600 user 292 2022-05-30 14:58:21
26 1400 Al_Nafuur 2022-05-29 18:32:37
27 600 Hjou 2023-03-18 01:42:07
28 600 JomarioBR 2022-11-19 01:34:01
29 400 JetSetIlly 2022-05-29 20:54:19
30 200 Hjou 2023-03-18 01:42:34
Rank Score User Date

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